
Prof. Dr. Christof Sparr
Department of Chemistry
University of Basel
St. Johanns-Ring 19
4056 Basel
phone: +41 61 207 11 10
Christof received his PhD from the ETH Zurich working in the group of Prof. Ryan Gilmour. He subsequently joined Prof. Dieter Seebach (ETH Zurich) and Prof. Steven V. Ley (University of Cambridge) for postdoctoral research. He then moved to the University of Basel and started his independent research as habilitand mentored by Prof. Karl Gademann in 2013. In 2016 Christof became Assistant Professor and in 2021 Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry. He is recipient of the ETH medal, a SNSF Starting Grant (equivalent to an ERC Starting Grant), the 2017 Werner Prize of the Swiss Chemical Society, the 2018 Ruzicka Prize of the ETH Zurich and an ERC Consolidator Grant.